HRA in the News: Riders and Drivers Urge TransLink to Bring HandyDart In-House

Image of Tyee article titled Riders and Drivers Urge TransLink to Bring HandyDART In-House

“Beth McKellar, chair of the HandyDart Riders’ Alliance, has been using HandyDart services for 20 years. She says she loves her bus drivers — but not the way the company is run.

To get a ride you have to wait on hold for 20 minutes before being able to speak with dispatch and you never know if it’s a bus or a taxi that will pick you up, she says. A taxi driver might not know how to help you get to the vehicle or help with your seatbelt the way a bus driver does, she says, which means passengers have to constantly advocate for their safety.

The passengers she worries about the most are chemotherapy and dialysis patients who might miss a pickup time at the hospital because their treatment ran long. They then have to wait for several hours for the next available ride.

“They’re so sick and just want to go home, not to wait three hours in the hospital for a ride,” McKellar said. “That’s just cruel.”

Read the full article at

Write, Call or Speak to Vancouver Council – Support the Keeping HandyDART Accessible to People Living with Disabilities motion!

Please consider writing, calling or speaking in support of the motion Keeping HandyDART Accessible to People Living with Disabilities, which will be discussed at the Tuesday June 8 Vancouver City Council meeting.

TransLink is proposing an invasive and adversarial interview process to refuse service to some applicants, instead of expanding service to meet demand. The outcome of the new registration process could be a decision that an applicant is not eligible for HandyDART, rather than further assistance for those who need it. At first, this will only apply to new riders. But if this new system is put in place it will likely be applied to existing HandyDART riders later.

TransLink states that the process “would be similar to the current registration process in communities served by BC Transit.” BC Transit’s interview processes are primarily about denying service to reduce costs, and they have contracted much of the work out to massive medical companies.

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HRA News – Help Out, Don’t Screen Out, HandyDART Riders!

TransLink is doing consultation on what they call the “HandyDART Modernization Program.” TransLink’s proposal is that their ‘medical professionals’ could deny access to HandyDART after an interview.

The intention of this invasive interview process is to refuse service to some applicants, instead of expanding service to meet demand. (They are also proposing other changes like accepting Compass Cards that could be OK.)

The outcome of the new registration process could be a decision that an applicant is not eligible for HandyDART. At first, this will only apply to new riders. But if this new system is put in place it will likely be applied to existing HandyDART riders later.

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Media Release: TransLink and HandyDART Riders’ Alliance Announce Settlement Agreement

[This is the joint media release agreed to by TransLink and the HandyDART Riders’ Alliance. More info coming soon.]

March 22, 2019

NEW WESTMINSTER – TransLink and the HandyDART Riders’ Alliance today announced a joint settlement in a Human Rights Tribunal case regarding HandyDART services.

As part of the Settlement Agreement, TransLink will:

  • Produce an annual stand-alone public report on HandyDART service performance;
  • Provide funding to the Social Planning and Research Council to conduct research on the experience of HandyDART customers; and,
  • Seek Board approval to create a HandyDART Users Group.

The Human Rights Tribunal case was originally filed in 2017 and was related to the provision of public transit to people with mental and physical disabilities.

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Great Letter from MVA in Vancouver Sun

The HandyDART Riders Alliance is a member of the Metro Vancouver Alliance (MVA), a great group of groups. Recently MVA Transit Team Co-chair wrote this great letter to the Vancouver Sun.

Re: B.C. Budget 2019: Discounted transit fares, HandyDART funding absent, Feb. 20. 

In 2017, the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal agreed to hear a complaint alleging that the lack of HandyDART service in Metro Vancouver is a human-rights violation. That same year, John Horgan committed, if elected premier, to providing funding through a special grant to increase HandyDART service hours by 20 per cent over four years. More than 800 delegates from Metro Vancouver Alliance member organizations were there to hear Horgan’s words.

Since then, the number of seniors and people with disabilities has continued to increase and the HandyDART crisis in Metro Vancouver drags on. There is still no line item for HandyDART in the provincial budget.

Our 57 member organizations representing more than 700,000 people are still waiting for Horgan to follow through on his commitment.

Maria Robinson, Metro Vancouver Alliance, New Westminster

HRA In The News: B.C. Budget 2019: Discounted transit fares, HandyDART funding absent

The lack of funding for desperately needed improvements to HandyDART service was in the news again, this time in the Vancouver Sun:

“Beth McKellar, co-chair of the HandyDART Riders Alliance called the lack of specific funding for HandyDART in Metro Vancouver “very, very disappointing” because the service is in demand.

“There are people who want to sign up for HandyDART every day because they need it,” she said.

Read the full article at

Metro Vancouver Alliance Letter to TransLink

Today, the Metro Vancouver Alliance sent this letter to the TransLink Board. It is great to have so many allies from diverse groups! Download a PDF of the letter here!

Re: Custom Transit Services Procurement

To the TransLink Board:

I am writing to you on behalf of the Metro Vancouver Alliance. We are a broad-based alliance of faith, labour, academic, and community organizations across the Lower Mainland. Continue reading

HRA In the news: HandyDART service awful, group says

Delta Optimist, November 19, 2017

It’s time to stop the poor service, says the HandyDART Riders’ Alliance.
The advocacy group representing people with disabilities and mobility issues is demanding TransLink assume responsibility of the transportation service, making their feelings known at a Mayors’ Council meeting this week. Continue reading

Media Release: HandyDART Riders to Remind Mayors of Responsibility for HandyDART

HandyDART Riders At TransLink Board Meeting

The HandyDART Riders’ Alliance and supporters will attend the TransLink Mayors’ Council meeting on Thursday November 16, 9 to 11am, to remind them of their responsibilities to HandyDART riders.

“The TransLink Mayors’ Council was once loud and clear in promising better HandyDART service, and denouncing unaccountable governance at TransLink” says HandyDART Riders’ Alliance Co-chair Beth McKellar. “Now that they claim to be fully involved in TransLink decision making, they need to take responsibility for those decisions.” Continue reading

HandyDART Riders Speak Out! Join us Thurs November 16 at 9 am!

The Mayors and the provincial government seem to need a reminder that this is a crucial time for HandyDART riders. Both the NDP government and the mayors have made some impressive promises about HandyDART and TransLink. But they need to hear you demand action!

HandyDART rider at July 2017 TransLink Mayors’ Council meeting

The TransLink Mayors’ Council is meeting on Thursday Nov 16 and we will be there. Please join us!

Join us at 9 am to 11am on Thursday November 16
#400 – 287 Nelson’s Court, New Westminster, BC

Share the Facebook event and invite your friends! Continue reading