The HandyDART Riders Alliance is a member of the Metro Vancouver Alliance (MVA), a great group of groups. Recently MVA Transit Team Co-chair wrote this great letter to the Vancouver Sun.
Re: B.C. Budget 2019: Discounted transit fares, HandyDART funding absent, Feb. 20.
In 2017, the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal agreed to hear a complaint alleging that the lack of HandyDART service in Metro Vancouver is a human-rights violation. That same year, John Horgan committed, if elected premier, to providing funding through a special grant to increase HandyDART service hours by 20 per cent over four years. More than 800 delegates from Metro Vancouver Alliance member organizations were there to hear Horgan’s words.
Since then, the number of seniors and people with disabilities has continued to increase and the HandyDART crisis in Metro Vancouver drags on. There is still no line item for HandyDART in the provincial budget.
Our 57 member organizations representing more than 700,000 people are still waiting for Horgan to follow through on his commitment.
Maria Robinson, Metro Vancouver Alliance, New Westminster