This is a crucial time for HandyDART, and we need your help today. Both the NDP government and the mayors have made some impressive promises about HandyDART and TransLink. But they need to hear you demand action!
A new report on HandyDART has just been released. It recommends bringing HandyDART in-house as a TransLink subsidiary, and restoring accountable governance of TransLink. The report was presented to the TransLink Mayors’ Council, but so far most of the mayors are not speaking out to support HandyDART riders. (The report is available here as a PDF. The Vancouver Sun and CBC covered the story.)
The decision will be made soon on contracting out HandyDART out again for a minimum of 3-5 years, or bringing HandyDART in house. We believe that TransLink received direction from the previous BC Liberal government to contract out without serious consideration of any other option. Several big corporations have already filed their proposals. We need to increase the pressure on the NDP government and the mayors to bring HandyDART in-house!
One of the most important promises the NDP made during the election campaign was to “Fix TransLink” by restoring democratic control. The BC NDP platform states that the “BC Liberals made a mess of Metro Vancouver’s transportation governance, by undermining the mayors, giving power to Liberal appointees over elected officials [and] passing the buck when convenient.” The TransLink Mayors’ Council agrees accountable governance is needed.
The BC NDP also committed to increase HandyDART service hours by 5% per year for the next four years at a Metro Vancouver Alliance electoral assembly. We will be working with our allies at the Metro Vancouver Alliance to ensure this commitment is honored.
If you agree that that HandyDART should be brought in house now, and that TransLink needs accountable governance, please write or phone your MLA AND mayor today!
You can find your MLA’s contact information by postal code here
You can find your mayors’ contact information here
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