HRA News – Write or phone your mayor & MLA today! New HandyDART report!

This is a crucial time for HandyDART, and we need your help today. Both the NDP government and the mayors have made some impressive promises about HandyDART and TransLink. But they need to hear you demand action!

A new report on HandyDART has just been released. It recommends bringing HandyDART in-house as a TransLink subsidiary, and restoring accountable governance of TransLink. The report was presented to the TransLink Mayors’ Council, but so far most of the mayors are not speaking out to support HandyDART riders. (The report is available here as a PDF. The Vancouver Sun and CBC covered the story.) Continue reading

Media Release: HandyDART Riders to attend meeting of board NDP denounced as “Liberal appointees”

Media Release: HandyDART Riders’ Alliance

HandyDART Riders to Press for Elected TransLink Board:
Group will attend September 28 meeting of board NDP denounced as “Liberal appointees” Continue reading

HRA News – Join us Thurs Sept 28 at 10 am! Time for HandyDART Riders to be seen again!

It has been an eventful few months for HandyDART riders. We now have a new government in Victoria that has made some impressive promises about HandyDART and TransLink. At the HandyDART Riders Alliance, we are hopeful but it looks like the new NDP government may need a reminder of the urgency of acting on these promises.

The NDP committed to fixing TransLink

During the election, the BC NDP made a number of promises. One of the most important is to “Fix TransLink” by restoring democratic control. The BC NDP platform states that the “BC Liberals made a mess of Metro Vancouver’s transportation governance, by undermining the mayors, giving power to Liberal appointees over elected officials [and] passing the buck when convenient.” Continue reading

Media Release: HandyDART Riders File Human Rights Complaint against Premier Christy Clark and TransLink

Beth McKellar at Human Rights Tribunal offices

Media Release: HandyDART Riders’ Alliance

HandyDART Riders File Human Rights Complaint against Premier Christy Clark and TransLink: Group alleges inadequate HandyDART service is discriminatory

The HandyDART Riders’ Alliance has filed a class-action complaint with the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal alleging discrimination in the form of inadequate HandyDART service. Continue reading

Media Release: HandyDART Riders will tell TransLink board to put contracting out on hold

HandyDART Riders At TransLink Board Meeting

Media Release: HandyDART Riders’ Alliance

HandyDART Riders will tell TransLink board to put contracting out on hold:
NDP TransLink Minister must have chance to complete public sector comparator Continue reading

HRA News: Get Out and Vote for More HandyDART! Tomorrow is Election Day

Tomorrow, Tuesday May 9, is Election Day. And the choices are clear if you want better HandyDART service. Your candidate’s campaign office can provide a ride to the polling place – just give them a call!

Bet reminded NDP Leader John Horgan of the NDP’s commitment to increase HandyDART service 5% per year for 4 years

This is what the BC NDP says about HandyDART in their platform:

“HandyDART service hours were frozen by Christy Clark and the BC Liberals in 2009, and as a result, trip denials went up over 600 per cent. Service quality has also deteriorated, with riders routinely forced to wait for hours.
›› We will work with TransLink and BC Transit to find long and lasting solutions to improve HandyDART service, reduce trip denials, and ensure that seniors and people with disabilities get the rides they need.”
John Horgan and the NDP have also committed to providing funding to increase HandyDART service hours by 5% per year for the next four years. The Green Party’s platform does not mention HandyDART, but does pledge more support for public transit. Continue reading

HRA News – Vote for More HandyDART – In Advance!

Voting has started! The BC provincial election platforms are out, and only one mentions HandyDART. The 129 page BC Liberal platform mentions ‘wine’ fifteen times, but does NOT mention HandyDART even once.

BC NDP Platform promises increased funding for HandyDART

This is what the BC NDP says about HandyDART in their platform: Continue reading

HRA News – Advance Voting – Only NDP Mentions HandyDART in Platform

BC Liberal Platform does not mention HandyDART

The BC provincial election platforms are out, and only one mentions HandyDART. The 129 page BC Liberal platform mentions ‘wine’ dozens of times, but does not mention HandyDART even once. The Green Party’s platform does not mention HandyDART either, but does pledge more support for public transit.

This is what the BC NDP says about HandyDART in their platform: Continue reading

HRA Newsletter – BC NDP Commits to 20% HandyDART service increase:

Mayors’ Council also supports provincial boost to HandyDART service

HandyDART Riders’ Alliance members were among the 800 delegates from the Metro Vancouver Alliance’s (MVA) 57 member organizations at the packed Italian Cultural Centre in Vancouver on April 4. We were there to call on John Horgan, Leader of the New Democratic Party of BC, and Andrew Weaver, Leader of the Green Party of BC, to support MVA’s provincial agenda on affordable housing crisis, HandyDART service, income inequality and

Bet Tuason

healthcare. Christy Clark, Leader of the BC Liberal Party, chose not to attend. Continue reading

Media Release – HandyDART increase insufficient to keep pace with need: TransLink report

HandyDART Riders At TransLink Board Meeting

Media Release: HandyDART Riders’ Alliance

HandyDART increase insufficient to keep pace with need: TransLink report

On March 30 the TransLink board will discuss documents revealing that TransLink provides less HandyDART service per capita than comparable transit agencies, and that the population of people over 70 years old is expected to increase 55% in just 10 years. Continue reading