Category Archives: Uncategorized

On Wed March 30th Keep up the Pressure for Better HandyDART Service!

Bet & Patrick - WebHandyDART riders made a big impression at the December TransLink board meeting, and we need to do it again! After that meeting the TransLink board chair told the Vancouver Sun “We had an offer to work with these folks more and we want to do that. We will consider (taking HandyDart) in-house.”

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Media Release: HandyDART riders say ditch US corporation for savings and better service

Media Release

For immediate release

HandyDART riders say ditch US corporation for savings and better service:
Group wants service provided by TransLink or non-profitHRA Mainstreeting 001

When: Wednesday December 9, 10:30 am
What: HandyDART riders demonstrate and speak at TransLink Board meeting
Where: 287 Nelson’s Court New Westminster, near Sapperton SkyTrain Station

The HandyDART Riders’ Alliance says that faceless corporations can’t respect the rights of people with disabilities, and are demanding that HandyDART service be run by a public or non-profit organization. At the open TransLink board meeting on Wednesday December 9, the group will propose terminating the contract with the present US-based contractor when it expires in 2017. Continue reading

Media Release: HandyDART riders say No vote in transit referendum threatens right to mobility

Bet 1cropMedia Release

HandyDART Riders’ Alliance

For immediate release –Thursday July 2nd, 2015

HandyDART riders say No vote in transit referendum threatens right to mobility

The HandyDART Riders’ Alliance says with the No vote there is now a danger that people with disabilities and older seniors will again be isolated in their homes or in institutions as they were in the past, just as the first baby boomers enter their 70s. Continue reading

Our Latest newsletter

Bet & Patrick - WebThe HandyDART Riders’ Alliance will continue to campaign for more HandyDART service provided by dedicated professionals after the referendum regardless of the outcome. We will also work to get an elected and accountable TransLink board again. A Yes vote is not the end; it is just a start in the right direction!

In this Newsletter:   1) Have you Voted Yet?   2) Leafletting Sat. May 23   3) HRA in the News   4) Are your friends getting these updates? Continue reading

Yes For Transit Mainstreeting w HandyDART Riders’ Alliance

Patrick MPlease join us on Saturday May 23 from 11 am to 1pm in front of the Broadway-City Hall Canada Line Station (Broadway and Cambie) in Vancouver. Many people won’t vote until the last minute, so we are going to be reaching out to the public again. And we need your help! Just look for the bright yellow signs. Continue reading

Media Advisory: HandyDART Riders Mainstreeting for Yes Vote in Referendum at Broadway and Commercial Saturday

For immediate release

What: Photo and interview opportunity. HandyDART riders leafleting at SkyTrain HRA Mainstreeting 001

When: Saturday May 9,  11:30 am to 1pm

Where: The Northeast corner of Broadway and Commercial in Vancouver

Who: HandyDART Riders Alliance members and supporters Continue reading

Minister questioned about HandyDART today

Today, George Heyman, NDP TransLink Critic had some pointed questions for Minister Todd Stone, the minister responsible for TransLink and BC Transit. We will be watching for the answers.

George Heyman MLA speaks at HandyDART Riders' Alliance forum

George Heyman MLA speaks at HandyDART Riders’ Alliance forum

Morning Sitting
CSA – 20150423 AM 004/alw/1100

Committee of Supply



The House in Committee of Supply (Section A); D. Plecas in the chair.

The committee met at 11 a.m.

G. Heyman: I have two questions: one to do with handyDART and one to do with Bill 2. I’d be happy to receive, in the interests of time, a written response to the questions, but I’d like to read them into the record. Continue reading

Media Release – Yes & No Sides look for path to better transit: HandyDART riders host dialogue in Maple Ridge

For immediate release – Friday April 17, 2015

Yes or No: What to do after the transit referendum?

Sat. April 18     11am – 1pm
Ridge Meadows Seniors Society
12150 – 224th Street Maple Ridge Continue reading

Media Advisory: Yes & No Sides discuss what to do after the transit referendum

Media Advisory

Yes & No Sides discuss what to do after the transit referendum: HandyDART Maple Ridge Dialogue Poster Final
HandyDART riders host dialogue in Maple Ridge

What: A public dialogue on transit for an accessible and age friendly region, regardless of the outcome of the transit referendum.

When: Saturday April 18,  11 am to 1pm

Where: Ridge Meadows Seniors Society: 12150 – 224th Street Maple Ridge

Who: Maple Ridge Councillors Gordy Robson (No) & Craig Speirs (Yes), HandyDART Riders Alliance members and supporters, Selina Robinson MLA and Dr. Doug Bing MLA. Continue reading

Yes or No: What to do after the transit referendum?

Join us for a public dialogue on creating an accessible and age friendly region. Municipal politicians and other representatives from Yes and No sides have been invited to participate. [Update Maple Ridge Councillors Gordy Robson (No) & Craig Speirs (Yes) have agreed to participate, and Selina Robinson MLA will attend as well.] [Update 2 – Dr. Doug Bing MLA has also confirmed]

Saturday, April, 18, 2015  11am – 1pmHandyDART Maple Ridge Dialogue Poster Final
Ridge Meadows Seniors Society
12150- 224th Street Maple Ridge

•    Why vote Yes? Why vote No?
•    Is better public transit, including more HandyDART, needed in Maple Ridge?
•    What will people on Yes and No sides do to create a better transportation system, win or lose?
•    Make your views known, and find out more about the Mayors’ Transit Plan. Continue reading