Category Archives: Uncategorized

HRA News – Advance Voting – Only NDP Mentions HandyDART in Platform

BC Liberal Platform does not mention HandyDART

The BC provincial election platforms are out, and only one mentions HandyDART. The 129 page BC Liberal platform mentions ‘wine’ dozens of times, but does not mention HandyDART even once. The Green Party’s platform does not mention HandyDART either, but does pledge more support for public transit.

This is what the BC NDP says about HandyDART in their platform: Continue reading

HRA Newsletter – BC NDP Commits to 20% HandyDART service increase:

Mayors’ Council also supports provincial boost to HandyDART service

HandyDART Riders’ Alliance members were among the 800 delegates from the Metro Vancouver Alliance’s (MVA) 57 member organizations at the packed Italian Cultural Centre in Vancouver on April 4. We were there to call on John Horgan, Leader of the New Democratic Party of BC, and Andrew Weaver, Leader of the Green Party of BC, to support MVA’s provincial agenda on affordable housing crisis, HandyDART service, income inequality and

Bet Tuason

healthcare. Christy Clark, Leader of the BC Liberal Party, chose not to attend. Continue reading

Media Release – HandyDART increase insufficient to keep pace with need: TransLink report

HandyDART Riders At TransLink Board Meeting

Media Release: HandyDART Riders’ Alliance

HandyDART increase insufficient to keep pace with need: TransLink report

On March 30 the TransLink board will discuss documents revealing that TransLink provides less HandyDART service per capita than comparable transit agencies, and that the population of people over 70 years old is expected to increase 55% in just 10 years. Continue reading

Important TransLink HandyDART Docs!

HandyDART Service Review March 2017 TransLink recently posted a 333 page PDF with everything to be considered at the March 30 Board meeting, including the ‘Family of Services” graphic. We didn’t think that was a very accessible format, so here are a few of the documents related to HandyDART:

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TransLink Says Over 70yr Olds to Increase 55% in 10 years

Today, TransLink emailed out a summary of the “Stakeholder Review” they did on HandyDART service. We have not had time to go through it in detail yet, but there are some interesting points:

The report states that “the number of people over the age of 70 in Metro Vancouver is expected to increase by approximately 55% over the next 10 years.” A 55% increase in people over 70 will greatly increase the need for HandyDART service. Continue reading

Happy New Year from the HandyDART Riders’ Alliance!

2016 was a momentous year for the HandyDART Riders’ Alliance, and 2017 is shaping up to be just as busy and important. We have achieved a lot, and with your help can achieve a lot more.

The HRA has been working for years to get regular annual increases in HandyDART service. And now we have been promised increases in 2017, 2018 & 2019. This is much better than the situation since 2009, and sets the stage for further increases in future years.

Before thinking about the year to come, it seems like time to take a look back. In 2008, the Provincial Liberals unveiled a grandiose pre-election transit plan. It had something for everyone, and a price tag of $14 billion dollars. The provincial Liberals were re-elected in 2009. And they quickly reneged on their transit promises and started cutting back on Transit service, including HandyDART.

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Media Release: Transit Plan Approval Crucial for HandyDART Riders

Tim July 2016 TL Board Mtg - SmallMedia Release: HandyDART Riders’ Alliance

Transit Plan Approval Crucial for HandyDART Riders
Mayor’s Council Phase One Plan marks return to regular HandyDART service increases

The HandyDART Riders’ Alliance is urging all the mayors on the TransLink Mayor’s Council to approve their Phase One transit funding plan this month. Members of the group will attend the Mayors Council meeting on November 10th to make their case in person. Continue reading

Thurs Nov 10 – Ask Mayors to Vote Yes to More HandyDART Service!

HandyDART Riders At TransLink Board Meeting

HandyDART Riders At TransLink Board Meeting

The HandyDART Riders’ Alliance has been working for years to get regular annual increases in HandyDART service. And now your mayor will get a chance to vote YES to about a 13% increase in HandyDART service over three years. This is much better than the situation since 2009, and sets the stage for further increases in future years. Continue reading

Media Release: HandyDART Riders Celebrate Positive Steps at TransLink

Tim Louis speaks to media

Tim Louis speaks to media

HandyDART Riders Celebrate Positive Steps at TransLink
Group eager to work with TransLink to improve HandyDART service

The HandyDART Riders’ Alliance says they are very pleased with the significant commitments made by TransLink’s CEO Kevin Desmond at today’s board meeting. Continue reading

(Updated) Thurs June 23rd – Speak out for More & Better HandyDART Service!

Bet - 24hrs photo[Updated Monday June 20 – Good news & speaking time change]

HandyDART riders made a big impression at the last two TransLink board meetings, and we expect to hear some good news at the next one. Please join us there to show your support for what we hope will be a significant step in the right direction. Continue reading