HandyDART Service Review March 2017 TransLink recently posted a 333 page PDF with everything to be considered at the March 30 Board meeting, including the ‘Family of Services” graphic. We didn’t think that was a very accessible format, so here are a few of the documents related to HandyDART:
Custom Transit Service Delivery Review: Outcomes and Recommendations
This 13 page document is the one to read first. It has the proposed resolution for the TransLink Board:
That the TransLink Board of Directors:
A. Endorse the recommendations from Management set out in Table 2 of the report dated March 22,
2017 titled “Custom Transit Service Delivery Review: Outcomes and Recommendations,” which include policy changes to improve customer experience and increase availability of service and are based on the recommendations of the Stakeholder Advisory Committee convened to provide input into the review;
B. Direct Management to explore additional ways for HandyDART customers to provide input on the HandyDART service; and C. Direct Management to support the Stakeholder Advisory Committee’s recommendations and draw on best practices in relation to HandyDART operations by undertaking the following:
(i) Retaining responsibility for the HandyDART Registration function and assuming responsibility for the Customer Feedback function within the TransLink enterprise;
(ii) Validating the findings of the HandyDART Public Sector Comparator (which indicate it is more costly for the TransLink enterprise to provide most service delivery functions) by conducting a detailed procurement process to assess market response and assist in determining (a) whether the call centre function1 should be provided by the TransLink enterprise or a contractor; and (b)
whether the operation of dedicated vehicles should be provided by one contractor or multiple contractors;
(iii) due to the specialized and personalized nature of HandyDART service, include, in future Request for Proposals for HandyDART service operations, the requirement for proponents to offer employment opportunities to HandyDART personnel employed by the incumbent contractor, on a preferred basis; and
(iv) Extending the existing contract with MVT Canadian Bus, Inc. for six months (to June 30, 2018).
HandyDART Service Review Outcomes and Recommendations March 2017 PDF
The second document of interest is the 14 page TransLink Custom Transit Service Delivery Review: Stakeholder Advisory Committee Summary Report
This goes through what the Stakeholder Advisory Committee did on a chronological basis, draft recommendations, and final recommendations. The final recommendations are:
- TransLink should be a leader in the province, inspiring other agencies to achieve higher quality service.In order to best achieve a high level of customer experience, flexibility in managing demand, and effective use of financial resources, the committee recommends:
- TransLink increase oversight and accountability for HandyDART by establishing clear standards and moving Customer Feedback in-house and retaining Registration in-house.
- A single dedicated provider Deliver Rides to ensure consistency of service.
- The Call Centre function should be delivered by a separate provider from the provider Delivering Rides (unless TransLink Delivers Rides.)
- TransLink pursue additional opportunities for HandyDART customers to provide input.
- TransLink take into account existing HandyDART employees through any transition.
TransLink Custom Transit Service Delivery Review Stakeholder Report March 2017 PDF
Another document of note is the Public Sector Comparator, which is full of technical language (not very accessible).